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Non-Traditional Service

Marketplace Ministry is inspired by the intersection of the creative gifts of the missionaries meeting the unique needs of the world behind closed doors. Many of these missionaries serve in closed or restricted access countries where traditional evangelistic activity is prohibited due to political, social, or prevailing religious doctrine.

CMF missionaries in these contexts hold work or student visas and develop long-term relationships with the people they live and work with every day. By being God’s salt and light, missionaries help make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ and transform lives and communities in His name.

Here just a FEW of the ways CMF Marketplace Ministry team members work and serve:

  • Teach English and Christian values in schools.
  • Reach out to adults through English clubs.
  • Lead small group Bible studies for adults.
  • Work as engineers in a multinational corporation, building relationships with local co-workers.
  • Teach as a professor at a large university.
  • Use art making as a way to build relationships with other artists’ groups in a major city.
  • Lead community health development initiatives in disadvantaged communities

and more!

Do you see yourself using your God-given gifts, talents and experience to spread the Good News of Jesus through relational evangelism to serve the unreached people behind these closed doors? Fill out our pre-application or contact us for more information.

Interested in serving with us?

Click on the button below to fill out an Interest Form.