Valencia is the third largest city in Spain and home to several large universities – including the University of Valencia and the Polytechnic University of Valencia — with nearly 100,000 students. Young people come from all over the country to study here, so it’s an ideal site to launch Globalscope’s ninth campus ministry and second En Vivo.
As is the case with most people in Spain, many college students have little or no connections with any faith community, and it is estimated that less than five percent of Spanish students regularly attend church. A university town is the perfect place to form a community of students who are trying to figure out their lives, careers and faith journeys so that we can point them toward Jesus.
Globalscope planted the Valencia ministry in the winter of 2017. They follow the model of En Vivo Salamanca and other Globalscope ministries, creating an open community where students can explore faith and what it means to follow Christ.