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Thailand is a recently industrialized country in Southeast Asia and a major world exporter. The primary religion is Buddhism, practiced by about 95 percent of the country, combined with strong influences of traditional culture and spirit appeasement. CMF has ministry teams in the urban capital city, Bangkok, and in Chiang Mai, a large modern city in northern Thailand.

Chiang Mai

The CMF Chiang Mai team works to create, support, and empower communities and projects that enable Thai people to hear and experience the love of Christ. Their work is focused on holistic ministries, particularly among at-risk and underprivileged individuals and communities.

Their work includes:

  • Community Development & Evangelism
  • Discipleship & Leader Development
  • Disability Care & Advocacy
  • Human Trafficking Prevention, Recovery, & Rehabilitation
  • Youth Development


The Globalscope Thailand campus ministry, Grapevine, is based in the suburbs of Bangkok just off the campus of Thammasat University in Rangsit. This university of more than 25,000 students is a prestigious and respected school whose students are known for their strong voice in national affairs. Many prominent figures in Thai pop culture and government are graduates of TU. Most students are Thai Buddhists from middle class families, but there are also some Muslims, a small minority of Christians, and exchange students from all over Asia, Germany, Finland, the U.S. and Canada. The primary focus of the Grapevine team’s ministry is relational evangelism: being and making disciples in authentic community to enrich the lives of Thammasat students.

The Grapevine staff uses these activities to point students to Jesus:

  • Share their faith through campus outreach, Bible studies, parties and events such as free meals and board game nights at the Grapevine House. 

  • Train Thai student leaders to minister to their peers in college and in their future careers.

  • Help introduce students to a local Thai church and other Christian groups so that they have connections to faith-centered communities after college.