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Author: danl

Loving Without Conditions in Guatemala City

When Luke Dove was 15, a high school mission trip to Guatemala transformed his life, and God put a passion and calling in his heart to serve the poor and vulnerable in that country. Since 2012, Luke has worked with Cada Niño ministry, which serves at-risk children in the city’s slums — areas that are continually plagued by violence, gangs, extortion, and murders. As the youth pastor, Luke works with the team to create long-term change in the lives of children and their families through community centers and programs that focus on educational reinforcement, family strengthening and spiritual formation. Here he shares the story of one girl (name changed) in the program.

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Renovating a Ceiling and Breaking Down Walls

Tyler and Shalynn Crawford serve in the university city of Tübingen, Germany where they were originally part of our campus ministry there called Unterwegs. During those years working with college students, the Crawfords formed a ministry partnership with the Kreuzkirche, a local church in Tübingen. The church supports the work of Unterwegs and, in 2020, invited the Crawfords to expand their work beyond university students and into new age groups. Here Tyler shares how a space at the church has impacted people in unexpected ways.

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Community and Partnerships in Tübingen, Germany

Tony Cole is following his call to find new ways to communicate old truths to university students in Tübingen, Germany, as part of Unterwegs, the Globalscope campus ministry team. He puts his background in philosophy and theology to work with his love for bread making and good conversation in order to pass on the welcome of God we know in Jesus. When he isn't working with students, you'll find Tony in the mountains, cooking with friends, or reading in a pub. Here he talks about the importance of partnering with local churches.

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Reciprocal Relationships

Allison Fowler and her family have been a key part of our church planting ministry team in Ethiopia since 2005. For 10 years, they worked among the rural Gumuz people, planting churches and managing a small health clinic. Her husband, Craig, trains evangelists and oversees planting churches in new outreach areas. Together they are responsible for running a clean water well project that involves drilling wells in areas where there is little or no access to clean water. Allison produces clean water and health education materials to be taught in those communities. Here, she reflects on how the people she came to serve have ministered to her.

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Shall I put a kettle on?

David and Teresa Fittro are celebrating 32 years of ministry with CMF in England. They currently serve as leaders of EQUIP Britain International, an immersive, hands-on mission training opportunity in Birmingham, one of the most diverse cities in the world. Their time in England, living among the people they are called to serve, has taught them much about the art of hospitality.

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Serving and Dreaming of Possibilities in Brazil

For the third straight year, several Globalscope campus ministries from Latin America have teamed up to travel to a different location to serve together. It’s called Proyecto La Paz and each year has been a new and amazing experience. In January students and staff from our ministries in Chile, Uruguay, and Mexico travelled to Brazil where they served with an existing CMF ministry and dreamed about starting a new one.

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5 Ways You Can Explore Missions with CMF

Maybe missions has been on your mind since that short-term trip you took in high school. Maybe it wasn’t on your radar until you heard a missionary speak at your church and you felt that tug on your heart. Whatever path you’re on, we’re here to walk alongside of you as you consider whether God is leading you to mission service.

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Christmas in War-torn Ukraine

June Johnson has been in Germany for the last year, caring for Ukrainian refugees displaced due to the war, but generous partners are allowing her to continue to support the churches still serving the hurting in Ukraine. June says that the local church in Ukraine is showing those in grief and anger, lonely and without, in fear and fatigue, God’s love in tangible ways.

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