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Author: mikaela

Erin Wallace: “Unexplainable Peace”

Erin Wallace is currently raising support to move to Ivory Coast where she will be serving with the PIM Clinic and Women Together programs. One of her greatest passions is living relationally and helping remind others of their worth, especially women and young girls. She is excited to be able to combine this passion with her work in Ivory Coast as she learns and lives in this new culture and way of life.

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Life-saving work amidst a drought in northern Kenya

In northern Kenya, a drought is occurring unlike any in 40 years— possibly the worst ever recorded. The land has dried up, leaving minimal food for camels and goats to graze, and thereby leaving the local pastoralist communities in Marsabit and Turkana without their primary food sources. This drop in necessary sustenance and malnutrition is especially affecting young children, the most vulnerable among those communities.

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Holistic care in southern Malawian communities

Justine and Ryan Hayes began serving with CMF in Nairobi, Kenya, before transitioning to southern Malawi with a team at Namikango Mission in 2014. Now, the Hayes’ are involved in multiple projects and initiatives toward empowering communities to holistically address the needs of their families and churches through discipleship, economic empowerment, and biblical teaching.

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Serving Ukrainians in Germany

Written on March 11, 2022, by June Johnson, CMF missionary to Ukraine

Photo Above: A grandpa saying goodbye to his granddaughter. I have known little Arisha since she was born. She is the granddaughter to some of my best friends - Gresha and Era. Arisha and her mother were a part of the group that Joni & Friends and AGAPE evacuated.

Tuesday, 1:10 p.m. - United States

I saw a text come in from my friend in Ukraine, Era. “I really need to talk with you.”

Besides being a close friend, she is also the person I’ve most poured my skills into. Era does wound and ostomy care as well as I do. Era & her husband are still in Lutsk working at AGAPE as they help refugees. The AGAPE center (a Christian rehab center for neck & spinal injuries) has become a place where the masses who are fleeing Ukraine can stop, sleep, eat,  and then be helped onward towards the Polish border.

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