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Biblical storytelling: Sharing the gospel in an illiterate culture

How can we help illiterate people learn and share the word of God?

This is a question that Eric and Caitlin Pitts, who serve with CMF team in Turkana, Kenya, often wrestle with. One technique that they feel is very effective is biblical storytelling.

“So, in July we set up a training in biblical storytelling led by Olwen Frost, a missionary in northern Turkana who specializes in this practice,” said Eric. “We invited participants from each area that we work in and from all walks of life: young and old, literate and illiterate, men and women, those who are highly educated and those who have never been in a school.”

During the training the attendees learned how to memorize Bible stories and present them in interesting and accurate ways that work within their cultures.

“The goal is to present the scriptures in a way that reaches people in a way they understand,” said Eric. “The participants were energized by this training and left with a list of biblical texts to work on turning into story form to share with people in their lives. Please pray with us as we search out new and different ways to help illiterate Christians share the gospel!”

biblical storytelling, Cait, Eric, Kenya, literacy, Pitts