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Piancó, Paraiba, Brazil, Pastor Tarcisio, Coronavirus, relief

Church provides relief and spiritual support for rural poor in Brazil

The Coronavirus pandemic is drawing some people in Piancó, Paraiba, Brazil, toward spiritual thoughts, and as a result, the church there is growing and bringing new families into a life with Christ, reports the church’s Pastor Tarcisio.

Piancó is a small town in the Brazilian Sertão, the vast arid region of Brazil where the gospel is not well known.

Piancó, Paraiba, Brazil, Pastor Tarcisio, Coronavirus, relief
People in the hot and arid region of Piancó, Brazil, gather outdoors in the evenings in small groups to study the Bible.

“In the Sertão, it is customary to sit outside in the evening,” said Pastor Tarcisio. “Very few houses are air conditioned, and in the early evening the houses retain the day’s heat. Outside, the temperatures drop after sunset, offering some relief from the oppressive heat. The pandemic creates a perfect opportunity to ask about what God is doing through all this. The Bible can help put today’s times in a historical context.”

In addition to spiritual support, Pastor Tarcisio and his church are the last link in a chain of providing practical support for the scared and hungry people in Piancó.

“Working with non-profit donors, the Brazilian basic food baskets are prepared for distribution to needy people,” said Pastor Tarcisio. “Delivering the basic baskets opens the door for conversations about Jesus, God’s work during this time of pandemic and the eternal hope held by Christians.”

Pastor Tarcisio asks for prayers for the Holy Spirit to move with mighty power among the people of Piancó, blessing the church and preparing them for a great increase, so that God may be glorified through this trial.

CMF recruits Jordan and Jaime Shelton are preparing to serve in this area of Brazil, working with at-risk youth. You can learn about them and their ministry here. 

Pastor Tarcisio’s church has an extensive outreach to children through an after-school program. You can help with this ministry here.

Brazil, Coronavirus, Paraiba, Pastor Tarcisio, Piancó, relief