CMF launches new podcast about missionaries, ministry and mission
Jake Moore had never recorded a podcast before, but that didn’t stop the former CMF missionary from stepping up when he realized how helpful a podcast could be for the organization’s team members around the world.
“Like a lot of our missionaries and staff, I’m an avid podcast listener,” said Jake, who now serves as the U.S.-based Director of Mobilization for CMF. “I listened to podcasts a lot while serving in Ethiopia and continue to this day.
“About two years ago when I joined the Mobilization team, I realized that a podcast could be a really great way to foster connections,” he added. “It has slowly come together over the past two years, and we felt like this summer would be a great time to launch The Fellowship Podcast.”
Sharing stories

While the podcast will serve as a way to share with partners and potential recruits what missionary service is really like, its main purpose is to connect and encourage our missionaries and staff through learning more about one another’s stories.
“CMF serves in 25 countries around the world, and we have four different strategic areas of ministry, so I recognized, for example, that someone serving as a church-planter in Kenya may not know some of our international campus ministers in Germany, said Jake. “By hearing their stories of faith and calling, and what their ministry looks like on a day-to-day basis, our missionaries can learn more about their co-workers and be challenged to look at their own lives and ministries in a new light.”
Guests on the podcast will be current missionaries, CMF staff members and former missionaries.
“For the first episodes of the podcast I thought it would be fun for us all to learn a little bit more about Dr. Kip Lines, the Executive Director of CMF,” said Jake. “From there, I have interviewed other members of our staff to show the variety of ministries within our organization, and former missionaries to help our teams see that there has been a great deal of amazing stuff that has gone on before them.”
Jakes hopes to foster a greater sense of fellowship within our mission while pulling back the curtain a bit for those outside our organization to be encouraged and challenged by the stories of our team members.
“We want our missionaries and others to see that this work that we are a part of today fits into the greater fabric of what God has been doing for 70 years through CMF!” he said.
“The Fellowship Podcast by CMFI” is available on Apple, Stitcher and Soundcloud platforms. The video version is on YouTube here.