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Come and See Our Mexico Ministries

When we invited three busy executive pastors and a university ministry director to experience our ministries in Mexico, their first question was understandable: why should they sacrifice a week away from their work and families? After all, missions isn't new to them. They send missionaries from their churches and university, support and send interns during the summer, and are long-time financial partners with our ministries.

However, in the realm of missions, it’s common to have a limited perspective. You might be familiar with a specific country or ministry, but your awareness may not extend much further. That’s why Bethany Rivera, our Director of Mobilization, encouraged them to join her on a trip to Mexico and come and see what God is doing there. Not only is Mexico an accessible CMF field, but it also showcases a vibrant tapestry of diverse ministries.

Imagine walking through Los Pepes, one of the area's poorest neighborhoods, where residents living near the dump face daily struggles. Here, you'll witness how CMF teammates are bringing hope through Christ, addressing both spiritual and practical needs. The following day, you might travel to Puebla to visit our campus ministry, where you’ll meet students at a prestigious university—the future leaders of Mexico—who are finding community and transformation in Christ.

Another day could take you to Mexico City, where you'll engage with local entrepreneurs and the CMF teammates dedicated to equipping them with solid business practices and faith-driven principles. Throughout your journey, you'll visit planted churches, explore community centers, experience sustainable farming initiatives and converse with CMF missionaries—from those with decades of experience to those who have recently joined the mission.

In addition to being on the CMF Board, Nikki Hunt is the executive pastor at First Christian Church in Johnson City, TN. She was particularly moved by the intentionality of our Marketplace Ministries, where our team teaches business owners to live out their faith in the workplace with the goal of making disciples and alleviating poverty through entrepreneurship. She shared that

As the executive pastor of the Grandview Christian Church in Johnson City, TN, Heather Lawson experienced some things that she plans to implement at her church. “CMF does a great job building team culture and supporting that culture's growth. It was so nice to see that play out in the different teams that we spent time with, and I picked up some ideas I'd like to share with my staff.”

Joining them was Ben Lee, the co-minister at Hopwood Christian Church, Milligan College, TN and Josh Little, Director of Ministry Outreach for Milligan University. Together, they saw a diverse mix of ministries and people but were touched by how we are all connected through God’s ecosystem.

This trip is not just an opportunity to see the work being done; it’s an invitation to connect deeply with the heart of our mission. We hope you’ll join us in discovering the incredible ways God is moving in Mexico and how it reflects vibrant CMF ministries around the world.

Come and See for Yourself!

Would you or a leader from your church, university, or campus ministry like to be part of a trip like this? Experiencing God’s global mission firsthand is inspiring and often leads to positive changes in your own ministry.

Join us on a trip to Mexico and see the many ways God is moving through CMF. Connect with Bethany Rivera, CMF's Director of Mobilization, about your interest at

campus ministry, church planting, Globalscope, marketplace ministry, Mexico