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Eastside CC team serves with enthusiasm in Malawi

The group of eight from Eastside Christian Church, Anaheim, Calif., who served at the Namikango Mission in Malawi recently were “a perfect team, full of enthusiasm and flexibility,” said CMF team member Ryan Hayes.

The team’s week at Namikango was a busy one, full of practical help for the team members and Malawians at the school and maternity clinic.

“They held a CPR training, set up solar panels on the roof of the maternity clinic and conducted a Days for Girls menstrual training session for the young women,” said Ryan. “They also took baby photos for the new mothers in the maternity clinic, which was a big hit, and held a one-day sports program with the more than 1,700 children at the Ntonda School!

“It was a busy and enjoyable time, and we loved having them visit,” added Ryan.

Ryan, Justine, Hayes, Eastside Church, Arty VanGeloof, Namikango, Malawi
The team from Eastside posed with Ryan and Justine Hayes, CMF team members in Malawi, and others on the Namikango Mission staff during their summer visit.

Ryan, Justine, Hayes, Eastside Church, Arty VanGeloof, Namikango, Malawi
The Eastside Christian Church team that visited Malawi included Eastside’s Director of Global Compassion, Arty VanGeloof, at right.

Arty VanGeloof, Eastside Church, Hayes, Justine, Malawi, Namikango, Ryan