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Turkana, Kenya, CHE, Days for Girls, Discover Bible Study, irrigation, agriculture, church planting

Explosive ministry growth in Turkana, Kenya, fueled by faithful partners

In the mid-1980s, the Turkana people in Kenya were an unreached people group who were resistant to the life-changing message of the gospel.

Thanks to CMF’s faithful partners, however, the ministry has grown from a handful of disciples to a church-planting movement with thousands of new disciples, to a disciple-making/church- planting movement over the past three years.

The CMF team focuses on leadership training, which is now being facilitated by 12 Turkana trainers who lead 1,230 disciple makers, who lead 1,138 groups with more than 9,000 members. In 2019 alone, there were 2,600 baptisms and more than 7,000 from 2017-2019. There were 96 churches among the Turkana at the end of 2019. Read more about this amazing growth here and here.

And now God’s Holy Spirit is moving through His people and Discovery Bible Study groups are crossing tribal and country borders.

Turkana, Kenya, CHE, Days for Girls, Discover Bible Study, irrigation, agriculture, church planting
Days for girls workshop.

In addition, the team has sharpened its focus on holistic ministry, addressing needs in the communities.

In 2019, 90 Community Health Evangelism (CHE) lessons were presented, more than 7,000 Turkana animals were treated, 38 wells and four boreholes were dug, 70 families were trained in irrigation farming and more than 900 families received access to irrigation. Read more about the great strides that have been made in irrigated farming here.

Read more about the team’s CHE work through the Days for Girls menstrual health training here.

From the small beginnings in the mid-1980s, God has used CMF missionaries and our faithful partners to grow His Kingdom among the Turkana. Thank you for your part in transformation throughout Turkana, Kenya.

agriculture, CHE, church planting, Days for Girls, Discover Bible Study, irrigation, Kenya, Turkana