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Globalscope on the road: Encouraging and inspiring one another!

Over the last few months, three Globalscope campus ministers have traveled between ministries, leaving their comfortable home bases to provide a change of perspective, a renewed vision and a fresh batch of new ideas. Globalscope Assistant Director Kami Reed shares their stories and perspectives here.

Stephanie Tillman, El Oasis, Santiago, Chile

Globalscope, Uruguay, Spain, Chile, campus ministry
Globalscope Chile campus minister Stephanie Tillman, right, recently visited the La Ruta campus ministry team in Montevideo, Uruguay.

“I had the opportunity to visit our Globalscope campus ministry in Uruguay for a week. It was incredible to finally get to see one of the newer ministries and gain a fresh perspective on ministry life and evaluate things we do in El Oasis. We have been trying to connect our ministries more this year because of how easy, and relatively cheap, it is to travel between the two South American countries. La Ruta sent one of their students over for our retreat in 2018 and is looking to send more this year. We have many dreams for how to keep connecting our ministries in the future to continue learning from each other and helping each other grow. I left Uruguay with a notebook full of ideas, energized to have seen what has become an incredible ministry in a relatively short time.”


Globalscope, Uruguay, Spain, Chile, campus ministry
Abigail Bullinger, right, a campus minister in Montevideo, Uruguay, poses with students at the El Oasis campus ministry in Santiago, Spain.

Abigail Bullinger, La Ruta, Montevideo, Uruguay

“My week at El Oasis in Chile was incredibly bolstering for so many reasons. I came face to face with the reality that I am part of a bigger movement; the work that I do every day in Uruguay is somehow connected to other communities in other countries across the world. To me, it’s encouraging and refreshing to realize that my small, daily efforts are part of a grander story.”

Eva Puerta López, En Vivo, Salamanca, Spain

“Visiting En Vivo in Valencia, Spain, was great not only because I got to see their ministry in action, and how it’s thriving and growing after fighting so much to kick it off, but also because I was surprised to see some of their students remember me from our joint retreat in the fall and be excited to see me. It was cool to continue to foster this bond between our Spain ministries, to share with the team and learn from the way they do things.”

Globalscope, Uruguay, Spain, Chile, campus ministry
Eva Puerta López, left, a campus minister at En Vivo in Salamanca, Spain, enjoyed her visit with Erin Allsop, right, and the rest of the En Vivo Valencia team recently.

In May, campus minister Sophie Bentley will travel across Spain from Valencia to Salamanca to serve with the ministry there, which she and her family helped start nearly 15 years ago.

As Globalscope continues to grow, we hope to see more and more collaboration between all of our ministries! While each of Globalscope’s 13 ministries has a unique context and timeline, we believe that each of these ministries can encourage and inspire others to transform the lives of university students and the communities where they live with the love of Jesus.

- By Kami Burns Reed

campus ministry, Chile, Globalscope, Spain, Uruguay