REACH International Internships

Spend 8-weeks serving with REACH!
REACH is an intercultural internship program that connects young adults with hands-on ministry opportunities all across the world. We have unique service opportunities for people with interests or skills in ministry, nursing, community health, social work, business, veterinary care, agriculture, children and youth ministry, music, media and more! Join a like-minded team and spend a summer with us helping transform the world by connecting with God's mission!
If you are interested in learning more about a REACH Internship, please email
You’re invited!
As the world becomes more connected and intercultural, missions continues to be redefined as an opportunity to learn and encounter global Christianity in a new way. God is active all over the world, and you’re invited to experience the ways He’s working this summer. REACH is an invitation to engage in the global task of being a witness “to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8).
Endless possibilities!
Our teams will serve in a variety of countries across the map. Your experience will be eye-opening, transformational and challenging, whether you serve in a medical clinic in Ivory Coast, a youth ministry in Asia, or in a university campus ministry in a European city. No matter where you serve, you will gain experience in intercultural ministry, use your unique skills and gifts to encourage missionaries and ministry staff and serve others while building relationships.
Expand your world!
As God calls and sends people from everywhere to everywhere, will you become a part of that story? Joining a REACH internship team will connect you with like-minded young adults, open your eyes to the beauty of the global nature of Christianity, and give you a broader perspective of yourself, other cultures and God. Join the team that’s been sending REACH interns abroad safely since 1992 and experience what it means to be engaged in the global work of missions that goes from everywhere to everywhere!

Places you can serve as a REACH intern!
Nairobi, Kenya
Through the partnership of our CMF missionaries alongside MOHI (Missions of Hope International), interns will empower, strengthen, and invigorate the ministry of the local church. Interns will serve students, their families and entire communities, experience Kenyan culture, and support the long-term workers in their ministry.
They will engage a diverse array of people groups, spanning from the bustling slums of Nairobi to the rural plains of northern, southern, and western Kenya.
MOHI provides opportunities to engage in hands-on ministry in social work, teaching, sewing, cooking, preaching and teaching, medical missions, and microfinance education. If you’re seeking a chance to explore a variety of experiences, this location could be the perfect fit for you!
Montevideo, Uruguay
Interns in Montevideo will serve at La Ruta, the Globalscope campus ministry in Uruguay! CMF planted its eighth campus ministry in an area between two major university campus hubs in Montevideo, with a focus on La Universidad de la República – the oldest, largest and most prestigious university in the country.
Interns will serve in this dynamic campus ministry connecting with university students. They will utilize their talents to welcome new students and help strengthen the community within La Ruta. Their responsibilities will include leading small groups, organizing weekly faith events, preparing meals for gatherings, mentoring students, and more!
Mexico City, Mexico
About 65 percent of Mexicans are categorized as poor in Mexico City. The biggest need is not just economic — although 60 percent of Mexicans receive only 12 percent of the nation’s income — but also social poverty.
Interns walk alongside the local leaders and CMF missionaries to support creative, holistic community development. They will serve in urban ministries, working with both the poor and middle class. Interns will focus on using their unique skills to benefit the growing and dynamic work with CMF missionaries and Mexican leaders. Their primary responsibilities will include working with children, leading VBS, and organizing day camps. Additionally, interns will have opportunities to teach English, participate in the worship and praise team, engage in sports ministry, and contribute to outreach efforts.
Arusha, Tanzania
Interns that serve in Tanzania will have an opportunity to work with local missionaries and Tanzanian young adults in various projects. We have a 12-member band of talented Tanzanian musicians whose vision is to share the message of Christ through music and media in areas such as worship concerts, photography, videography, social media development, podcast production, and more.
Interns will get to incorporate their passions and gifts through performing worship services, assisting with summer camp programs, hosting short term visitors from America, and developing relationships with mentors and peers serving in and around Arusha. If you have any skills or interests in media, communications, or music, this might be the perfect opportunity for you!
Brisbane, Australia
Interns in Brisbane will serve at The Garden, the Globalscope campus ministry in Australia!
The Garden, situated near The University of Queensland in Brisbane, is dedicated to fostering a welcoming and grace-filled community for all university students.
Interns will collaborate with CMF’s team to connect with students through a range of weekly events, such as Tuesday Night gatherings, Thursday free lunches, and various campus outreach activities. The intern’s primary responsibilities will be to plan events, help with music, cook food, lead small groups, mentor students and more! The Brisbane team is dedicated to showcasing the transformative power of Jesus in their lives by sharing their authentic Christian community with others.
Tübingen, Germany
Interns will participate in campus ministry. They will be able to get creative and help host weekly free meals, a free Café English, small Bible study groups and service projects with local charities. Interns will practice language learning, grow in intercultural competence, drink a lot of coffee, and explore what it means to come along the way with others.
Students will be immersed in a diverse community and will help host various events and community spaces at Unterwegs. The summer will be a season of embracing warmth, learning to accept it gracefully, and discovering how to extend it humbly to others.
Paraiba, Brazil
Despite its rich resources, many Brazilians face poverty and hopelessness due to a fatalistic worldview, prevalent job scarcity, drug abuse, and underage sex trade. CMF Brazil and CMF USA are tackling these challenges through holistic ministry in western Paraiba.
Interns will work alongside local partners and missionaries to support and advance this mission. They will get to experience holistic ministry through soccer outreach, teaching English to at-risk youth, and Community Health Evangelism (CHE) ministry through a local community center called Missão Ágape.
Turkana, Kenya
Interns on CMF's Kenya Church Catalyst team will get a rich, hands-on experience in cross-cultural ministry and community engagement. Interns will immerse themselves in Kenya’s diverse tribal cultures, gaining valuable insights into local traditions.
Interns will serve alongside the church planting team in Kenya, partnering with local leaders and churches to empower, strengthen, and ignite the indigenous church. They will get hands-on experience in holistic ministry through community outreach, church planting, Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), Disciple Making Movements (DMM), water well construction, and other impactful initiatives!
Bangkok, Thailand
Interns in Bangkok will serve at Grapevine, the Globalscope campus ministry in Thailand! Grapevine is based in the suburbs of Bangkok just off the campus of Thammasat University in Rangsit. This university of more than 25,000 students is a prestigious and respected school whose students are known for their strong voice in national affairs. The primary focus of the Grapevine team’s ministry is relational evangelism: being and making disciples in authentic community to enrich the lives of Thammasat students.
Interns will serve in this dynamic, urban international campus ministry by using their skills to meet new students and help build up the community. Interns will help lead small groups, use sports for outreach, cook for weekly events, teach and share life with Thai college students.
Gloucester, England
Interns will partner with Gloucester Vineyard to make disciples, develop leaders, and plant churches. They will get hands-on experience in holistic ministry through community outreach, church planting, Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), and Disciple Making Movements (DMM).
Interns will get to be a part of community-based outreach like Christians Against Poverty and Street Pastors. They will get the chance to walk alongside church planters in a young church plant in the city of Lincoln to foster and nurture disciple-making and community transformation.
Southeast Asia
Interns will walk alongside locals and engage with them and their communities in meaningful ways. Their responsibilities will include teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), leading small group English clubs and facilitating Bible studies. They will encourage emerging leaders in churches and community projects, utilizing Disciple Making Movement (DMM) principles and the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method.
Interns will also implement and teach Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles to serve and empower impoverished communities.
Interns will get to use their unique skills and abilities to serve their community. If you are interested in business and education while carrying out intentional ministry through relationships, this could be the location for you!
These fields are in countries closed to missionaries, so we cannot publish the exact locations. For more information email
Puebla, Mexico
Interns in Puebla will serve at El Pozo, the Globalscope campus ministry in Mexico! El Pozo is situated right next to la Universidad de las Americas Puebla, a university that attracts students from across the globe. Many of these students come to El Pozo to experience the love of Jesus within a supportive community.
The intern’s primary responsibilities will be to plan events, help with music, cook food, lead small groups, mentor students and more!
Through the collaboration between CMF and Remember the Children (RTC), interns will play a crucial role in empowering, strengthening, and revitalizing local church ministries in Romania. They will actively participate in RTC’s sponsorship program, which provides orphaned children with a home, food, education, love, and spiritual guidance.
Interns will also be involved in church planting efforts, offering education, tutoring, mentoring, spiritual leadership, and resources to children in rural villages through the local church’s outreach. RTC’s commitment to children extends to their families, fostering safer and stronger communities. Lastly, interns will engage with local leaders, learn from pastors, translate Scripture, and support leadership training initiatives.
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Interns working in Chiang Mai will join in the team's goal to transform lives and communities, especially those trapped in cycles of poverty, with the Good News of God's Kingdom. I
Interns will be part of forming and supporting creative, holistic community development-focused ministries within areas where selling children to traffickers in order to survive is prevalent.
The interns’ main responsibilities will be to implement and teach Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles to hill tribe people. Partner with a local school in Chiang Mai to teach English. Be witnesses of the Anti-human-trafficking work, especially among children and women, and learn and grow as they experience Thai culture.
Eldoret/Nairobi, Kenya
Interns on CMF's Kenya Church Catalyst team will get a rich, hands-on experience in cross-cultural ministry and community engagement. Interns will immerse themselves in Kenya’s diverse tribal cultures, gaining valuable insights into local traditions. They will actively participate in and learn about Discipleship Making Movements (DMM). Interns will collaborate with Community Christian Church, which will provide opportunities for hands-on ministry and relationship-building. They will also have the chance to teach ESL, contributing to the local community's educational development.
Finally, interns will be involved in various community engagement activities, including supporting local microbusinesses. This aspect focuses on empowering disciple makers and their families through economic opportunities.
South Asia
Interns will walk alongside locals and engage with them and their communities in meaningful ways. Their responsibilities will include teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), leading small group English clubs and facilitating Bible studies. They will encourage emerging leaders in churches and community projects, utilizing Disciple Making Movement (DMM) principles and the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method.
Interns will also implement and teach Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles to serve and empower impoverished communities.
Interns will get to use their unique skills and abilities to serve their community. If you are interested in business and education while carrying out intentional ministry through relationships, this could be the location for you!
These fields are in countries closed to missionaries, so we cannot publish the exact locations. For more information email
Indianapolis, Indiana
Interns with a heart for non-profit and organizational experience in a mission organization can serve at the Indianapolis office of CMF International. Interns can use their unique skills and studies to serve in several key departments, such as Finance, Partnerships, Donor Development, Communications (Content Creation and Graphic Design), and much more! While seeing the ins and outs of the organization, interns will plug into a local church partner of CMF in Indianapolis and experience hands-on mentorship in ministry and the local community.
Are you ready to reserve your spot for REACH 2026?
Click the button below and let us know and we’ll follow up with you.
What you can do as a REACH intern!
Interns in Brisbane will serve at The Garden, the Globalscope campus ministry in Australia!
The Garden, situated near The University of Queensland in Brisbane, is dedicated to fostering a welcoming and grace-filled community for all university students.
Interns will collaborate with CMF’s team to connect with students through a range of weekly events, such as Tuesday Night gatherings, Thursday free lunches, and various campus outreach activities. The intern’s primary responsibilities will be to plan events, help with music, cook food, lead small groups, mentor students and more! The Brisbane team is dedicated to showcasing the transformative power of Jesus in their lives by sharing their authentic Christian community with others.
Despite its rich resources, many Brazilians face poverty and hopelessness due to a fatalistic worldview, prevalent job scarcity, drug abuse, and underage sex trade. CMF Brazil and CMF USA are tackling these challenges through holistic ministry in western Paraiba.
Interns will work alongside local partners and missionaries to support and advance this mission. They will get to experience holistic ministry through soccer outreach, teaching English to at-risk youth, and Community Health Evangelism (CHE) ministry through a local community center called Missão Ágape.
Interns will partner with Gloucester Vineyard to make disciples, develop leaders, and plant churches. They will get hands-on experience in holistic ministry through community outreach, church planting, Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), and Disciple Making Movements (DMM).
Interns will get to be a part of community-based outreach like Christians Against Poverty and Street Pastors. They will get the chance to walk alongside church planters in a young church plant in the city of Lincoln to foster and nurture disciple-making and community transformation.
Interns will participate in campus ministry. They will be able to get creative and help host weekly free meals, a free Café English, small Bible study groups and service projects with local charities. Interns will practice language learning, grow in intercultural competence, drink a lot of coffee, and explore what it means to come along the way with others.
Students will be immersed in a diverse community and will help host various events and community spaces at Unterwegs. The summer will be a season of embracing warmth, learning to accept it gracefully, and discovering how to extend it humbly to others.
Interns on CMF's Kenya Church Catalyst team will get a rich, hands-on experience in cross-cultural ministry and community engagement. Interns will immerse themselves in Kenya’s diverse tribal cultures, gaining valuable insights into local traditions. They will actively participate in and learn about Discipleship Making Movements (DMM). Interns will collaborate with Community Christian Church, which will provide opportunities for hands-on ministry and relationship-building. They will also have the chance to teach ESL, contributing to the local community's educational development.
Finally, interns will be involved in various community engagement activities, including supporting local microbusinesses. This aspect focuses on empowering disciple makers and their families through economic opportunities.
Through the partnership of our CMF missionaries alongside MOHI (Missions of Hope International), interns will empower, strengthen, and invigorate the ministry of the local church. Interns will serve students, their families and entire communities, experience Kenyan culture, and support the long-term workers in their ministry.
They will engage a diverse array of people groups, spanning from the bustling slums of Nairobi to the rural plains of northern, southern, and western Kenya.
MOHI provides opportunities to engage in hands-on ministry in social work, teaching, sewing, cooking, preaching and teaching, medical missions, and microfinance education. If you’re seeking a chance to explore a variety of experiences, this location could be the perfect fit for you!
Interns on CMF's Kenya Church Catalyst team will get a rich, hands-on experience in cross-cultural ministry and community engagement. Interns will immerse themselves in Kenya’s diverse tribal cultures, gaining valuable insights into local traditions.
Interns will serve alongside the church planting team in Kenya, partnering with local leaders and churches to empower, strengthen, and ignite the indigenous church. They will get hands-on experience in holistic ministry through community outreach, church planting, Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), Disciple Making Movements (DMM), water well construction, and other impactful initiatives!
About 65 percent of Mexicans are categorized as poor in Mexico City. The biggest need is not just economic — although 60 percent of Mexicans receive only 12 percent of the nation’s income — but also social poverty.
Interns walk alongside the local leaders and CMF missionaries to support creative, holistic community development. They will serve in urban ministries, working with both the poor and middle class. Interns will focus on using their unique skills to benefit the growing and dynamic work with CMF missionaries and Mexican leaders. Their primary responsibilities will include working with children, leading VBS, and organizing day camps. Additionally, interns will have opportunities to teach English, participate in the worship and praise team, engage in sports ministry, and contribute to outreach efforts.
Interns in Puebla will serve at El Pozo, the Globalscope campus ministry in Mexico! El Pozo is situated right next to la Universidad de las Americas Puebla, a university that attracts students from across the globe. Many of these students come to El Pozo to experience the love of Jesus within a supportive community.
The intern’s primary responsibilities will be to plan events, help with music, cook food, lead small groups, mentor students and more!
Through the collaboration between CMF and Remember the Children (RTC), interns will play a crucial role in empowering, strengthening, and revitalizing local church ministries in Romania. They will actively participate in RTC’s sponsorship program, which provides orphaned children with a home, food, education, love, and spiritual guidance.
Interns will also be involved in church planting efforts, offering education, tutoring, mentoring, spiritual leadership, and resources to children in rural villages through the local church’s outreach. RTC’s commitment to children extends to their families, fostering safer and stronger communities. Lastly, interns will engage with local leaders, learn from pastors, translate Scripture, and support leadership training initiatives.
Interns will walk alongside locals and engage with them and their communities in meaningful ways. Their responsibilities will include teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), leading small group English clubs and facilitating Bible studies. They will encourage emerging leaders in churches and community projects, utilizing Disciple Making Movement (DMM) principles and the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method.
Interns will also implement and teach Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles to serve and empower impoverished communities.
Interns will get to use their unique skills and abilities to serve their community. If you are interested in business and education while carrying out intentional ministry through relationships, this could be the location for you!
These fields are in countries closed to missionaries, so we cannot publish the exact locations. For more information email
Interns will walk alongside locals and engage with them and their communities in meaningful ways. Their responsibilities will include teaching English as a Second Language (ESL), leading small group English clubs and facilitating Bible studies. They will encourage emerging leaders in churches and community projects, utilizing Disciple Making Movement (DMM) principles and the Discovery Bible Study (DBS) method.
Interns will also implement and teach Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles to serve and empower impoverished communities.
Interns will get to use their unique skills and abilities to serve their community. If you are interested in business and education while carrying out intentional ministry through relationships, this could be the location for you!
These fields are in countries closed to missionaries, so we cannot publish the exact locations. For more information email
Interns that serve in Tanzania will have an opportunity to work with local missionaries and Tanzanian young adults in various projects. We have a 12-member band of talented Tanzanian musicians whose vision is to share the message of Christ through music and media in areas such as worship concerts, photography, videography, social media development, podcast production, and more.
Interns will get to incorporate their passions and gifts through performing worship services, assisting with summer camp programs, hosting short term visitors from America, and developing relationships with mentors and peers serving in and around Arusha. If you have any skills or interests in media, communications, or music, this might be the perfect opportunity for you!
Interns working in Chiang Mai will join in the team's goal to transform lives and communities, especially those trapped in cycles of poverty, with the Good News of God's Kingdom. I
Interns will be part of forming and supporting creative, holistic community development-focused ministries within areas where selling children to traffickers in order to survive is prevalent.
The interns’ main responsibilities will be to implement and teach Community Health Evangelism (CHE) principles to hill tribe people. Partner with a local school in Chiang Mai to teach English. Be witnesses of the Anti-human-trafficking work, especially among children and women, and learn and grow as they experience Thai culture.
Interns in Bangkok will serve at Grapevine, the Globalscope campus ministry in Thailand! Grapevine is based in the suburbs of Bangkok just off the campus of Thammasat University in Rangsit. This university of more than 25,000 students is a prestigious and respected school whose students are known for their strong voice in national affairs. The primary focus of the Grapevine team’s ministry is relational evangelism: being and making disciples in authentic community to enrich the lives of Thammasat students.
Interns will serve in this dynamic, urban international campus ministry by using their skills to meet new students and help build up the community. Interns will help lead small groups, use sports for outreach, cook for weekly events, teach and share life with Thai college students.
Interns in Montevideo will serve at La Ruta, the Globalscope campus ministry in Uruguay! CMF planted its eighth campus ministry in an area between two major university campus hubs in Montevideo, with a focus on La Universidad de la República – the oldest, largest and most prestigious university in the country.
Interns will serve in this dynamic campus ministry connecting with university students. They will utilize their talents to welcome new students and help strengthen the community within La Ruta. Their responsibilities will include leading small groups, organizing weekly faith events, preparing meals for gatherings, mentoring students, and more!
Interns with a heart for non-profit and organizational experience in a mission organization can serve at the Indianapolis office of CMF International. Interns can use their unique skills and studies to serve in several key departments, such as Finance, Partnerships, Donor Development, Communications (Content Creation and Graphic Design), and much more! While seeing the ins and outs of the organization, interns will plug into a local church partner of CMF in Indianapolis and experience hands-on mentorship in ministry and the local community.
Is REACH right for me?
For more than 25 years, REACH interns have served with CMF team members in many different areas of the world, from Germany to Asia, Africa to Mexico, and many points in-between. Their jobs varied widely, but they all worked hard, had adventures, faced many challenges, and developed lifelong relationships. You are invited to participate in REACH and experience what God is doing across the world. Here are just a few of the hundreds of things you might get to do to serve God’s Kingdom across the world:
- Participate in home visits to families in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.
- Work with at-risk children in major cities across Asia.
- Spend time building relationships with college students in Bangkok, Thailand.
- Join ministry in a detention center in Chiang Mai, Thailand.
- Help plan and lead VBS and youth camps for children and families in Mexico.
- Use media and music to serve churches in Kenya.
- Work in a clinic and use medical training in the Ivory Coast.
- Use media and music to impact college students in Valencia, Spain.
- Shadow a social worker or business leader around the slums in Kenya.
Along the way you may find yourself riding an elephant, on a safari, navigating the streets of big cities and tiny villages, living in homes with local families, learning to cook over open fires, climbing mountains, praying with and for other Christians, using your skills to point others to Jesus, and so much more. Check out your options and come join us for REACH!
Dates and locations subject to change due to travel restrictions. Interns and applicants will be notified as necessary. Regularly check the CMF website for updates.
A: REACH is an eight-week summer internship experience for young adults. Teams of interns travel to countries where experienced CMF team members live and work and join them in hands-on field ministry.
A: May 27-July 17, 2025
A: An internship costs $6,500 per person for each field. These funds cover your entire internship, including your passport, visa, immunizations, pre-departure training in Indianapolis, flight, field and ministry expenses, and much more!
A: Internships are for college students and young adults, typically ages 18-30. You must complete at least your freshman year of college before the internship.
A: No, but we will assist you in raising your own support and provide tax-exempt receipts from CMF for your donors.
A: CMF will assist you with passport and visa procurement, travel arrangements, medical requirements and packing.
A: CMF provides extensive training through a required six-day Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) in Indianapolis. Interns learn skills in team building, language learning, cross-cultural adaptation, and building relationships, and receive spiritual preparation and specific pre-field training.
A: You’ll receive guidance and oversight on the field from veteran CMF team members and their partners.
A: Before you return home, you’ll complete your internship with a three-day Debrief that will prepare you for re-entry and help you process, maximize and bring closure to your mission experience.