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Ministry Position: Church planter, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Do you have a passion for church planting?

Our team in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, has a vision to plant a thriving, upper-middle-class church in this city of more than five million people, where the population is increasing in wealth and education. This church plant would predominantly focus on reaching educated Ethiopians. This team member would preach, teach and invest heavily in training Ethiopian evangelists, with the goal of turning over primary leadership of the church to them.

Requirements for this position include a bachelor’s or, preferably, a master’s degree in a religious training field, a willingness to learn and function in the Amharic language with proficiency, and a spirit of close cooperation with the current national church leadership.

If this opportunity could be a good fit for your skills and passions, fill out the pre-application below. If you have questions about this or any other opportunity to serve with CMF, please contact Mobilization
