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EQUIP Immersive Experience

EQUIP yourself for service across the globe!

EQUIP Britain International is an immersive, hands-on mission training opportunity in one of the most diverse cities in the world. Immersed in the world’s cultures, participants are guided by experienced disciple-makers to affirm God’s call to go to the world.

With a population of almost two million people, Birmingham, England is home to over 185 nationalities.  It is sociologically a super-diverse city, which means that there is no predominant people group. That means that participants of EQUIP will be immersed in the languages, customs, foods, and religions of the world!

Participants from Europe and the U.S. train alongside British and multicultural church planters, receiving mentoring, coaching, and hands-on experience. Teams engage in formal training and coaching while focusing on developing and implementing a strategy to connect with community members and minority populations.

Your EQUIP experience can even earn you graduate studies credits towards a master’s degree!

This experience will take your passion for the unreached and transform it into practical skills and ministry experience that can be used in any country.

Are you ready to be equipped?

Interested in serving with us?

Click on the button below to fill out an Interest Form.