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Alicia Bucci, Nottingham, England, Globalscope, campus ministry

Nottingham team reflects on 2020: ‘It’s been one for the books!’

Alicia Bucci, Nottingham, England, Globalscope, campus ministryThe Globalscope campus ministry team in Nottingham, England, recently took a look back at this past term and compiled a list of their accomplishments, reports new team member Alicia Bucci.

“It’s been quite the ride,” she said. “And God’s kindness and mercy have been evident this term!”

 Here’s the list of things the team accomplished this term:

• Held 94 one-on-one meetings with students.

• Hosted 58 interest groups.

• Made 222 new student contacts.

• Produced 10 podcast episodes.

• Hosted a weekend a-stay.

• Enlarged the Canvas community.

• Had numerous conversations about Jesus.

• Encouraged our students and one another.

• Laughed so hard we cried.

• Prayed.

• Cried.

• Been part of a one-month long lockdown.

• Two teammates endured two-week isolation periods

• Experienced five different local and national restriction transitions.

• Integrated a new teammate (Alicia).

• Sustained eight interest groups and met for 56 sessions of these groups.

“This continues to be quite a journey and my relational soul can get impatient at times,” admits Alicia. “My team constantly reminds me that this is a marathon, not a sprint. I’m forever grateful for them and their constant encouragement this term. It’s been one for the books and I’m excited to see what the rest of the academic year brings!”

Alicia Bucci, campus ministry, England, Globalscope, Nottingham