REACH interns assist at MOHI medical clinic in Kenya
More than 400 people were seen and treated for injuries or illness during a community health clinic at the Pangani Center at Missions of Hope International, Nairobi, Kenya, this summer.
Olivia Millar, a REACH intern who served with MOHI this summer, assisted at the clinic, measuring the height and weight of the patients.
“It was cool to see how excited the people of all ages were to see how much they weigh because scales are very uncommon in Kenya,” she said.

It was also heartbreaking to see all the people who lined up for treatment.
“I saw many mothers with very sick babies or children,” she said. “They knew their kids were sick, but they were unable to pay for any kind of doctor. You could see the worry and urgency in their eyes to have their children seen, since this may be their only chance to figure out why the child is ill.”
During most of the rest of the summer, Olivia served at the Baba Dogo Center, and found it difficult to say goodbye to all of the staff and her Kenyan friends.
“It was incredible to see the way that I got so close to so many people in two months,” said Olivia. “I have grown so much through these relationships and my time serving alongside these selfless people, who are focused on the mission of bringing the Kingdom of God to earth.”