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Tag: Chile

Bridging the Gap Between Campus Ministry and Church

On university campuses around the world, CMF provides Christian communities for students who, very often, are not Christian. Our Globalscope campus ministries are unique in that Christians, atheists, agnostics and anyone in between can find community together. Their time spent as part of a Globalscope ministry, a community centered on the love of God, is life changing.

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Isabel Miller will serve with Marketplace Ministries in Mexico City!

Isabel Miller entered university at Georgia Tech as a business major, never thinking that she would be a missionary or work abroad. But when she got involved with a campus ministry on Georgia Tech’s campus called CCF, she says that “Little by little, through different ways, just step by step, God changed my heart and sort of shifted my eyes toward this kind of work.”

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‘God is in it with us!’ Greg and Eli Klass launch new campus ministry in Chile

Greg and Eli Klass grew up thousands of miles apart, but the Christian influences in their young lives led both of them to the Globalscope El Oasis campus ministry in Santiago, Chile. That’s where they met, married, and now serve together. They recently stopped by our home office for a visit and shared a little about how it happened, how it works, and the amazing new thing they will be doing together.

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Latinscope 2020: ‘We arrived as four teams but slowly became one!’

Although they are spread out over three different countries, the CMF Globalscope campus ministers in Uruguay, Chile and Mexico share a common language and similar context and mission. The idea of getting together to share dreams and ideas that has been on the back burner for a couple of years finally gelled into the first-ever Latinscope in Lima, Peru, in early February.

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