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Tag: Ethiopia

Craig and Allison Fowler: Still preaching, teaching and transforming lives in Ethiopia

Veteran CMF missionaries Craig and Allison Fowler and their three children have been “all in” for serving God’s call on their lives since they arrived in Ethiopia in 2005. The couple has opened and managed a successful medical clinic in the bush, baptized hundreds, planted dozens of churches, and much more. On a recent stop-over at the CMF home office in Indianapolis they shared why they chose Ethiopia, what their ministry has been like, and what they’re excited about doing when they return in March 2020.

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Ethiopian evangelist: From animal sacrifice to Christianity

Samwel Kozigore grew up with an animistic worldview in his remote Ethiopian village of Koma, near Yasow, sacrificing sheep and goats to the forest spirits, participating in religious dancing, and visiting the local witch doctor. But a series of dreams involving sheep and Jesus led him to a local Christian church and, eventually, his calling as a full-time evangelist with the Kristos Andinet (Unity in Christ) Church, CMF’s partner in church planting in rural Ethiopia.

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Ethiopian evangelist uses ethnicity to share gospel with unreached people

Born in an area often divided by violent ethnic clashes, Jaldu overcame an extremely difficult early life to become a Christian. Now his ethnic background has shifted from being a hardship to an asset as he serves as a church planter with the Kristos Andinet (Unity in Christ) Church, CMF’s partner in church planting in rural Ethiopia, in a community that is closed to other evangelists.

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Garry and Linda Brock: Reflections on 44 years of service

In 1976, they were two kids from rural Oregon who wanted to serve God in Africa but didn’t have any idea how to set up and get started.

Fortunately for all, they connected with CMF as their support organization, and Garry and Linda Brock’s 44 years of ground-breaking mission work in Ethiopia, Kenya, the CMF office and Asia Marketplace Ministries took off.

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