Turkana pastors take the lead in Discovery Bible Study trainings
Eric and Cait Pitts have been working for three years in Kenya to train Turkana Christians in leading Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), and are now seeing fruit from this focused effort.
Eric and Cait Pitts have been working for three years in Kenya to train Turkana Christians in leading Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), and are now seeing fruit from this focused effort.
Veterinarian Shannon Tucker admits she sometimes get discouraged by the slow changes she sees in her Community Health Evangelism (CHE) work in Turkana, Kenya, but recent visitors have encouraged her as they recognize how far her work has come.
How can we help illiterate people learn and share the word of God?
This is a question that Eric and Caitlin Pitts, who serve with CMF team in Turkana, Kenya, often wrestle with. One technique that they feel is very effective is biblical storytelling.
More than 400 people were seen and treated for injuries or illness during a community health clinic at the Pangani Center at Missions of Hope International, Nairobi, Kenya, this summer.
The farms in Turkana, Kenya, are exploding with the growth of new crops, providing food and a livelihood for the farmers who work with the CMF garden projects, according to team member Gene Morden and Kenyan farm manager Haron Jackson.
“I cannot believe I’m almost done with this REACH internship,” said Olivia Millar, who served this summer with Missions of Hope International (MOHI) in Nairobi, Kenya. “I’ve experienced so many wonderful and shaping things and built some incredible relationships.”
When fourth-grader Midy Michelle, a student at Missions of Hope’s Baba Dogo school in Nairobi, Kenya, landed in Kenyatta Hospital with a broken leg, it was a given that members of the school staff would visit her. And REACH intern Olivia Millar, who’s serving with the school’s Community Health Evangelism program this summer, got to go along for the adventure.
A team of 11 REACH interns are serving with CMF’s partner, Missions of Hope International (MOHI), in Nairobi, Kenya, right now, and are feeling blessed, challenged, tired and exhilarated, all at the same time! Here are a few great stories from four teammates about their first weeks in Kenya.
If you were to visit the village of Kargi in Marsabit, the poorest county in all of Kenya, this is what you would find: water scarcity, food insecurity and extreme poverty.
A Turkana woman has completed the certification training to make Days for Girls menstrual hygiene kits in Nairobi, Kenya, and opened her own workshop in Napusimoru, according to CMF team member Caitlin Pitts.