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Tag: Mexico

Todd and Tonja Hancock: ‘I can use you in Mexico, if you’re willing’

As they celebrate 20 years of ministry in Puebla, Mexico, CMF team members Todd and Tonja Hancock are still devoted to their calling and mission to be catalysts for spiritual and numerical growth in Mexico and at Mosaico Christian Community.

The couple met as students in the missions department at Lincoln Christian College and spent seven years in U.S. youth ministry before accepting the challenge to join the CMF team in Mexico.

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Olivia Shank: ‘I’m going to Mexico with CMF Marketplace Ministries!’

Olivia Shank grew up on stories from her great-aunt, who was a nurse-missionary in Thailand. By age 4, she had decided that missions is her life path. After a few twists and turns along the way, she’ll be serving with a Marketplace Ministries team in Mexico City, helping to create a business academy that integrates Kingdom principles with business training for Mexican entrepreneurs.

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Latinscope 2020: ‘We arrived as four teams but slowly became one!’

Although they are spread out over three different countries, the CMF Globalscope campus ministers in Uruguay, Chile and Mexico share a common language and similar context and mission. The idea of getting together to share dreams and ideas that has been on the back burner for a couple of years finally gelled into the first-ever Latinscope in Lima, Peru, in early February.

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