IDES supports Turkana water projects with $150,000 gift
The Turkana, Kenya, water and farm project just got another big boost from International Disaster Emergency Service of Noblesville, Indiana.
The Turkana, Kenya, water and farm project just got another big boost from International Disaster Emergency Service of Noblesville, Indiana.
The Turkana, Kenya, farming team is on track to help 100 families with access to solar irrigation in 2020, reports team leader Eric Lorupoe.
Ebie’s life was turned upside down by a severe car accident, but the Kenyan found himself responding in ways he would never have thought possible before becoming a leader on Joel William’s disciple-making team.
What do pigs and chickens have to do with making disciples of Jesus? A lot, according to CMF team members Joel and Rachel Williams, who serve in Turkana, Kenya.
The International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) has once again come to the aid of farmers in Turkana, Kenya, following the devastation of their crops this year by desert locusts, reports Eric Lorupoe, the farm and water projects manager with the CMF team in Turkana.
It was a challenging year to start a new irrigated farm in Kokel, Turkana, Kenya, reports Eric Lorupoe, who took over the management of Turkana water and farm projects from CMF missionary Gene Morden last year.
This season of ministry has presented many unexpected challenges in Kenya, reports CMF team members Joel and Rachel Williams, but the family is using the opportunities that come their way to share the gospel in everyday ways.
In the mid-1980s, the Turkana people in Kenya were an unreached people group who were resistant to the life-changing message of the gospel.
Thanks to CMF’s faithful partners, however, the ministry has grown from a handful of disciples to a church-planting movement with thousands of new disciples, to a disciple-making/church- planting movement over the past three years.
In addition to the travel restrictions in place due to COVID-19, the semi-nomadic people of Turkana, Kenya, have also had to deal with an “invading army” marching through their land this spring, devouring every green plant, according to CMF team member Gene Morden.
A medical ministry initiated by CMF in 1980 in Narok County, Kenya, has continued to thrive under Kenyan leadership, and is now taking on a key role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.