Tuesday Night at The Garden: Carnivorous plants and spider fighting?
Can a presentation on carnivorous plants be a part of a night of spiritual growth? It can when it’s a feature of Tuesday Night at The Garden in Brisbane, Australia, according to new campus minister Carly Kies.
Carly arrived in Brisbane to serve with the Globalscope campus ministry team just a few weeks ago, but is already settling in, exploring and meeting lots of new people.
“Our Tuesday Night event is one of my favorite parts of serving at The Garden,” she said. “Every week about 40 students come over for a free dinner, games and a talk from a staff member about faith in our everyday lives.”
Carly is personally involved in the aspect of Tuesday Night that is called “Creative Spotlight.”
“Every Tuesday, a different student presents on something he or she is passionate about,” she said. “This includes everything and more than you can think of! So far, we’ve learned about carnivorous plants, travel videos, singing, and — coming soon — spider fighting!

“It’s so inspiring hearing about people’s unique passions and see them light up as they talk about them,” Carly added. “It is incredible to work in an environment that encourages people to share and celebrate how God has made them uniquely them, instead of feeling they have to fit into a mold.”