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Turkana pastors take the lead in Discovery Bible Study trainings

Eric and Cait Pitts have been working for three years in Kenya to train Turkana Christians in leading Discovery Bible Studies (DBS), and are now seeing fruit from this focused effort.

“Eric facilitated and co-led three trainings in the last couple of months,” said Cait Pitts, “and he was able to let go of the reins a bit as our team of trainers — Cephas Esuron, Samson Erongot, Peter Lozuru and Simon Tiya — led a fourth training without him.”

Turkana, Kenya, Eric, Cait, Pitts, DBS, church planting
Eric and Cait Pitts have focused on training Turkana pastors to train others in Discovery Bible Study techniques during their three years in Kenya.

Having a solely Turkana-led training is something that the Pitts have been looking forward to for quite a while.

“Now that they have done it without a missionary, they know they can do it again,” said Eric. “This not only allows for the ministry to continue without a missionary present; having local leaders has a much more natural feel to it. There is no need for translating or trying to make the training more attuned to Turkana culture, since with only Turkana present, it already is!”

The Pitts and their teammates are excited to see how God will use DBS during the Pitts upcoming furlough in the U.S.

“We believe that we are entering a time of growth in Turkana,” said Eric. “However, we acknowledge that much of the Kingdom growth may take years to become visible. We are waiting to see how the areas that had trainings respond to the teaching as we continue to work with leaders and pastors to help shift their focus from growing their individual churches to reaching the lost in their communities.”

Cait, church planting, DBS, Eric, Kenya, Pitts, Turkana