Turkana woman launches business making ‘Days for Girls’ kits
A Turkana woman has completed the certification training to make Days for Girls menstrual hygiene kits in Nairobi, Kenya, and opened her own workshop in Napusimoru, according to CMF team member Caitlin Pitts.
“Selina Natome is our former neighbor in Napusimoru,” said Caitlin. “As we started looking into the DfG ministry and sharing it more widely, we were concerned about where we would get the kits. Now that question is being answered, in part, in the best way possible.

“We love that Selina is learning a new skill that will help support her family while also empowering her to meet an important need in her community,” added Caitlin.
Caitlin recently led another DfG training this past month in Lodwar.
“About 20 women and girls were present for the lesson that helps them understand their bodies and empowers them to attend school and live life to the fullest every month,” said Caitlin. “As in previous trainings, every woman who attended was given and taught how to use a menstrual hygiene kit so that she will not have to miss days of school due to a lack of supplies.”
Would you like more information on this ministry? Your gifts will supply menstrual hygiene kits to young women, provide work for Selina’s new business, and help the CMF team open doors for ministries in new areas. Go here to give!