‘We send our sincere gratitude to IDES!’
When a devastating drought hit Kenya in 2017 and spilled over into 2018, the region of Kajiado experienced overwhelming losses.
“Grass died, water became scarce, and up to 80 percent of the livestock, which is their livelihood, died,” said CMF missionary Dori Cazier with the church planting team. “With no livestock to sell there is no money for school fees and medical needs and food, and life becomes extremely difficult. And for widows, the droughts are even more disastrous.”
Fortunately, CMF and the members of the Community Christian Church (CCC), Kajaido region, knew where to turn: International Disaster Emergency Service (IDES) of Noblesville, Ind.
Generous help
The ministry contributed a total of $148,000 to the CCC, including funds for relief food, monthly payments of $1,500 for maize flour for 300 widows and other extremely needy people, and funds for restocking goats in the community.
“These funds were a great help to the destitute and also an evangelism tool for the church as they reached out to their communities,” said Dori.
“The maize meal, a staple in the Kenyan diet, was distributed to 300 widows each month through the 30 congregations of the CCC in the Kajiado area through 2018,” she added. “On distribution day each widow received four packets of maize, prayers, encouraging words from Scripture and hope for another day. All this was done in the love and name of Jesus Christ. And even though it was a small amount for a month, the love and concern expressed by the congregations encouraged each widow.”
The CCC was extremely grateful for the opportunity these funds gave them to reach out to their congregation and communities and extend the Kingdom of God, according to Paul Lupempe of the CCC Kajiado region.
“More than 500 people received Christ at our churches’ distribution services, many sick people received healing through prayers, and we were able to plant five new churches to add to the 35 we already have in this region,” said Paul. “In addition, the 502 goats given to widows and the needy provide milk and have multiplied. Now, the people have been able to get back to their normal lives.
“The entire membership of Commmunity Christian Church, Kajiado region, sends our sincere gratitude, appreciation and thanks to IDES for the donation support during these difficult situations,” added Paul.